Our mission is to promote equitable and sustainable power sector development by collaborating with policy makers, regulators, grid operators, and civil society organisations. Through advocacy, research, and capacity building, we strive to ensure that electricity is accessible, affordable, and reliable for all, while minimising the environmental and human health impact of power generation and distribution.
How we can serve you
Promoting the optimal use of energy subsidy to eradicate energy poverty: We engage with key decision makers in ensuring that energy subsidies are reaching the ones in need of subsidies and that these subsidies are leveraging clean energy development initiatives.
Ensuring financially healthy distribution companies: We engage with a state government, distribution companies (Discoms), electricity regulatory commissions and civil society organisations to develop and implement strategies that improve the financial health of Discoms while promoting the transition to a low-carbon energysystems, and a consumer centric service. We work on tariff regulations, prosumer rights, open access issues.
Advocating grid integration of distributed renewable energy generation: We model current and future power system scenarios to inform generation planning and operations. We undertake distribution network simulation exercises, and techno-economic analyses to assess the value of integrated distributed renewable energy resources and battery energy storage systems.
Unlocking demand flexibility: We identify cost-efficient opportunities to unlock demand flexibility and to find solutions to reduce, shift or shave energy demand. We simulate the impact of time varying tariffs and other demand flexibility products on the abilities of the grid to absorb higher shares of renewable energy.
Developing decarbonization pathways: We simulate the current and future power sector related grid emissions and develop decarbonisation pathways that align with the global climate change target of limiting global warming well below 2 degrees Celsius. Working closely with key stakeholders we set emission reduction targets and develop implementation strategies.