Tamil Nadu is one of the most industrialised states in India and accounted for 9.47% of India’s GDP in FY 2020-21. Tamil Nadu aspires to be a leading export state in India at a time when more countries are proposing Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM). CBAM includes the introduction of a carbon price on certain products imported into the European Union (EU). This will put restrictions at the borders of the EU on goods produced with carbon and Greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). As per an assessment of the World Bank, many countries are considering setting a carbon price in the years to come. Tamil Nadu could be exporting its finished goods to a few of those countries in the future. For the exported goods from Tamil Nadu to be regulation-proof, it is important to decarbonise the production. The first step towards decarbonisation is the electrification of the processes in the industries. This briefing note explores the potential for the electrification of some of the processes in the top-performing (in terms of contribution to the State’s GDP) industrial sectors of Tamil Nadu.